Langtree Photography

Model Portfolio

Model Portfolios

Are you looking to create or update your model portfolio? Do you wnat to incorporate more envirnomental photography into "your look"? Langtree Photography offers two types of packages for model portfolios:


Essential for any actor, dancer, singer or model for your marketing material, website or portfolio, we can provide a one hour shoot and include six retouched images in h-res and lo-res formats for £50 

Full Photoshoot

We will spend at least two hours shooting a minimum of four different looks. We would look to shoot at least three different outdoor locations. We will then produce a minimum of 12 retouched images in hi-res and lo-res formats on a dvd. The cost for this is £95

It's essential that the model looks their very best, so we would reccomend the use of our preferred stylist at additional cost to the above. Please contact us to discuss in further detail the type of shoot you would to produce.

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