Exhibition 2020
Yorkshire Photographic Union - Annual Assembly and Exhibition 2020
The 2020 YPU Assembly and Annual Exhibition and Assembly has been postponed.
Due to the Coronavirus (Covid 19) outbreak and with regret, the Executive of the YPU inform your club that the 2020 YPU Exhibition and Assembly scheduled to open on May 9th has been postponed to later in the year the new date is in the process of being arranged.
As it remains the photographic highlight of the year, the YPU Executive considered that this would be the safest option for all club members to fully enjoy the Exhibition and Assembly even if it was a little later than usual this year. The advice from the Department of Health is that the peak of the numbers infected will reach a peak in a couple of months which would coincide with the Assembly.
Therefore, the YPU Executive felt that the postponement of the Exhibition and Assembly would be the best course of action, further details will follow in due course.