The Yorkshire Photographic Union
Welcome to the website for the Yorkshire Photographic Union. I hope you find the information useful and please feel free to get in touch should you have any questions.
The Alexander Keighley Day 2020
The 2020 Alexander Keighley Event Day will be held on Saturday 14th November online using Zoom starting at 10:30am. For details please see the Keighley Day page
The 2020 YPU Assembly and Annual Exhibition and Assembly has
been postponed.
For the latest Update on the assembly please visit the news page. ( June 2020)
If you have any key events, Lectures or news that you would like to share please forward to the officers on our contact page.
To see the latest events please click the 'latest event news' to the right.
Details of this years Exhibition and map are now on the Exhibition page.
The 2020 YPU Club Championships results are on the News page.
The results of the 2019 Annual Exhibition can now be viewed on the 'Clubs' page.