The MÖ Aesthetic Clinic

Aesthetic Woman Blog

How to get that Christmas Glow

Nature has equipped us all with different body types and it is important to learn to like your body as it is and to take the best care of it. A healthy and energetic body is primarily dependent on the internal state of the body, and before we spend time and money on beauty industry methods and special offers, we should eat healthy foods and keep ourselves physically active. Read more


The pursuit of passion is as old as the human race itself and the search for ways to improve one's chances in love is almost as old. Ever since Marc Antony first fed Cleopatra grapes, sensual foods, scents and substances have been inextricably linked with romance. From the deadly Spanish Fly to Casanova's personal favourite - the oyster, aphrodisiacs have been used throughout the ages to heighten sexual pleasure. Read more


If you are one of those people who bounce backwards and forwards between chocolate and raw vegetables, you may wish to consider a fresh start and new routine. Detoxification is perhaps the best way to begin as it will give your body an internal cleansing. Detoxification is the body's natural process to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. Read more

Why Consider Dermal Fillers

A study published in the March 2006 edition of the American Journal of Aesthetic Surgery revealed that structural changes in the skin such as thinning of the dermis takes place seven to eight years before sagging is actually visible to the naked eye! As skin ages it loses its elasticity and becomes less supple. As a result, lips can lose their fullness, lines can appear around the mouth and nose area, and cheeks can start to look sunken and hollow. Read more


Doctor Fish and Psoriasis

You may have heard about an unusual treatment for psoriasis which uses a fish called Garra Rufa, more popularly known as Doctor Fish. The fish are placed in a tub or pool together with one or more psoriasis patients whereby the fish approach the patients and consume their dead skin, leaving the healthy skin untouched. Although a widely accepted treatment for a common, chronic, relapsing/remitting, immune-mediated systemic disease, one wonders how safe and effective these treatments are. Read more


Laser Treatments

In the last decade, both the technology and the results of laser treatments have improved tremendously making lasers one of the most valuable assets in the skincare sector. As a result, the number of persons visiting laser aestheticians is increasing, and why not? Lasers are effective for unwanted hair; thread veins and rosacea; skin rejuvenation and collagen stimulation; acne scars; and pigmentation such as sun damage, age spots and freckles. Read more



By Marianne Olavesen-Stabb

Norwegian-born Marianne Olavesen-Stabb has been a product designer, trainer and consultant to the international health, wellbeing and beauty Industry for 21 years.

She is the Founder and President of Scandinavian Skincare Systems and was also one of the finalists in Cosmopolitan’s 'Women of Achievement Awards' for her achievements in Health & Wellbeing.